Say Goodbye - Beck



美国洛杉矶后现代鬼才唱作歌手Beck,在2014年2月发表其第12张专辑《Morning Phase》。作为6年来的全新专辑,唱片被拿来跟最能彰显Beck萦绕心头歌曲创作才华的2002年民歌专辑《Sea Change》作相提并论,《Morning Phase》专辑在这次格莱美上获奖。 

选择专辑中的一曲《Say Goodbye》,欣赏鬼才Beck的演唱,轻松的吉他节奏分明,拨动的琴弦仿佛营造出五彩迷幻,爽朗的琴音萦绕耳畔,Beck嗓音醇厚低沉,饱含诗意,另类的调调有些飘渺空旷,充满无限的想象,令人回味。他是多产的创作歌手,歌曲独具特色,也许正因为如此才会获奖。


《Say Goodbye》歌词:

See the sleet that rests upon
The quiet street we're standing on
Is it time to go away
And try again some other day?
'Cause these are words we use to say goodbye
These are the words you use to say goodbye

Bones crack, curtains drawn
On my back and she is gone
Somewhere else I do not know
Time will tell and I will go
These are the words we use to say goodbye
These are the words we use to say goodbye

I will wait and take a turn
Sort it out, let it burn
Empty out empty drawer
In my pockets, there's nothing more
These are the words you use to say goodbye
These are the words we use to say goodbye


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